Special Coverage on Cancer Awareness Campaign By Zee Group | Devi Ahilya Cancer Hospital Indore
निःशुल्क कैंसर चिकित्सा परामर्श शिविर | Devi Ahilya Cancer Hospital Indore | Story By Bansal News
Cancer मरीजों के इलाज में अब कई शोध सामने, जागरूकता के लिए मुहीम की हुई शुरुआत | Story By Digiana News
कैंसर के इलाज में हुए नए शोध ‘ऑन्को फोर्टे’ के बारे में आईबीसी ने भी उठाई आवाज
Bhopal में आयोजित Cancer चिकित्सा परामर्श शिविर पर देखिये News 24 ग्रुप की खबर
Aboutdevi ahilya
Devi Ahilya Cancer Hospital is the world’s best Electro Homeopathic Cancer Hospital situated in Indore, Madhya Pradesh. Since its establishment in the year 2019, Devi Ahilya Cancer Hospital, Indore is proving to be a new ray of hope for hopeless cancer patients through its exclusive treatment protocol for cancer. We are the India’s first 100 bed Electro Homeopathic Cancer Hospital solely using plants based Electro Homeopathy as the system of medicine as well as treatment, which incorporates modern ICU’S and other state-of-the-art modern critical care equipments.